*NEW FOR 2025* - BAEL/AAA Regular Season & Provincial Championships


The scorekeeper will inform the umpire of the pitch count when a count is nearing the end of a pitcher’s daily limits. The umpire will then notify the team manager or coach of the pitcher’s team so that an opportunity for assignment correction may be immediately affected.

The Official League Regular Season final weekend will be defined as the weekend prior to the scheduled Provincial Championship at each competition level.

No Breaking Balls shall be permitted at the 11U age category – if a coach feels that the opposing team’s pitchers are throwing breaking balls the umpire will be notified and if deemed necessary a note will be placed in the game report. The Baseball Alberta office will investigate and follow the same procedure used for pitch count violations.

A Breaking Ball shall be defined as any pitch where the hand is pronated, supinated, turned or snapped in a fashion where the baseball rotates in a side to side, forward spinning or with unnatural action that is not consistent with the pitchers natural fastball rotation.

In the umpire’s judgement, if a pitcher at the 11U age category throws a breaking ball, such pitch will be deemed illegal and will be called a “ball”. If as a result of the pitch, the batter reaches first base as a result of the play (such as hit or walk) and all other runners advance at least one base, the play will stand without reference to the illegal pitch. No outs may be recorded as a result of such illegal pitch.

The umpire will warn the Manager that the pitch is illegal and permit the Manager to advise his pitcher accordingly. No visit to the mound will be charged to the team. This warning must be given regardless of whether or not there was a play that occured after the pitch. If, after the warning, the pitcher delivers another breaking ball, the Manager will be ejected. If the pitcher, or any subsequent pitcher, delivers another breaking ball, such pitcher will be ejected.

Change-Ups and off speed pitches where the baseball rotates in a similar fashion to a fastball will be permitted at all levels and should be observed by the umpire prior to an appearance during warm-up.

Pitcher Warm-Up Rule can be utilized by all divisions (only during limited substitution) – A position player that is scheduled to pitch may exit the game to warm-up and re-enter with the intent of throwing the first pitch of the next defensive inning. The substitute player will not lose eligibility unless the pitcher does not begin the inning following the warm-up period and will then be considered active. The pitcher would then lose playing eligibility in the game. The substitute player must not have previously been in the game.


Head Coaches or Team Managers are responsible for adhering to the Pitch Count policy. In case of an infraction, the following consequences for non-compliance will be applied, covering one calendar season:

1st Infraction: A warning will be issued to the Head Coach or Team Manager.

2nd Infraction: A 1-game suspension will be issued to the Head Coach or Team Manager.

3rd Infraction: A 3-game suspension will be issued to the Head Coach or Team Manager.

4th Infraction: A minimum 5-game suspension and "Prohibited Indefinitely Status" will be issued to the Head Coach or Team Manager.

Violation of any pitching rules may result in forfeiture of the game in which the violation occurred. When the use of an ineligible pitcher is evident, scorekeepers or other officials MUST notify the team manager or coach immediately for correction.

Baseball Alberta reserves the right to increase suspension time based on the violation, and the coach must be reinstated with written approval from Baseball Alberta. A subsequent fine may be incurred, along with follow-up re-certification.

Pitch Count Hearing Policy: A suspended or fined manager or coach may request a hearing involving Baseball Alberta at any point in the process; a $100.00 cost will be incurred.

Appeal Policy: A suspended or fined manager or coach may appeal a decision at any point in the process; a $200.00 cost will be incurred if the decision is upheld.


These pitch totals begin the Monday of the Provincial Championships week.

Scorekeepers and coaches must identify any potential infraction before it occurs. No protests will be heard after the fact. If an infraction is identified after it occurs, the player will be removed from the pitching position, and no protest or forfeiture will occur.

Posting/Updating of Pitch Count totals (Poster Boards) should be displayed at all diamonds being used during Provincial Championships.