NEW FOR 2025 

In order to modernize and facilitate the processing of Player Transfers Requests across the province and ensure clarity for players and Associations in dealing with these requests, the following outlines the steps of the process:

Players MUST communicate with their Home Association President or designate their intention to request a player transfer or their intention to try-out for a non-lateral association selection process. This would include identifying the Association that they wish to try-out for or transfer to. This step allows the athlete to not pay a full registration in the Spordle system, which may later need to be refunded if the player is selected for the new associations team.

Step 1: Player Initiates Transfer

Step 2: Incoming Association Initiates Transfer in Spordle

The $25 transfer fee will not apply if the process is completed in Spordle.

Step 3: Baseball Alberta Review

Step 4: Final Roster Check

Upon Spordle Transfer Process completion, players MUST contact the Incoming Association Registrar, register, and pay the full registration fee to the Association that they are transferring to.



For the 2025 season and beyond, Baseball Alberta will no longer recognize the 18U AAA League and the Baseball Alberta Elite League as a lateral transfer. In order to stay consistent through all categories of play and in an effort to align the transfer process throughout the Province. It was determined that the removal of the lateral transfer between the two leagues was a logical step to ensure that the top 18U players in the province have the opportunity to evaluate and be rostered in the top 18U league in the province. Associations may still provide their own internal rostering policies around imports. 

BAEL & BAEL - lateral transfer

BAEL & 18U AAA - no lateral transfer

BAEL & 18U AA - no lateral transfer

18U AAA & 18U AAA - lateral transfer

18U AAA & 18U AA - no lateral transfer

18U AA & 18U AA - lateral transfer


Two or more Associations can apply to Baseball Alberta to form a team from their respective associations, subject to approval of Baseball Alberta. These associations must be able to demonstrate, through the application process, that there is a necessity to work together to form a team at an age category.

These associations must fill out the Association Transfer Application and have signatures from all Presidents involved.

Deadlines for Association Transfer Application will be the same as the above deadlines for individual player transfers.



Upon request, teams must submit their Approved Initial/Final Roster to the Official Scorekeeper with their game line-up card at least 15 minutes before scheduled game time. Only players who are listed on the Approved Roster will be allowed in the lineup (except for Approved Affiliate players – see Affiliate Player section). If a team cannot produce their approved roster, the game will still be played, and a copy of the line-up card must be submitted with the Game Summary Report. If it is confirmed that an ineligible player was used, the opposing team will have the choice of either taking the game result or a forfeit win, and the offending head coach will be subject to disciplinary action. All approved players and coaches must be registered with Baseball Alberta. Any player or coach who is not registered may be suspended from play until they have registered.